
Bottling water starts at the source. Natural Spring Water comes from an underground formation high in the mountains allowing the water to flow naturally to the surface. The next step is to filter the water through multi-barrier sources which could include source protections, source monitoring, reverse osmosis, ultraviolet light, distillation, micron filtration and coronation. Water bottlers may use one or more of those processes.

Branchwater's process is taking the water directly from the source, piping it directly to the plant where it the “Micron filter technology” processing begins by passing the water through a 10 micron filter then it makes its way through a 1 micron filter. (A micron is 1/10,000 of an inch). The water is then passed through the ozonator which takes oxygen 02 concentrates converts it into ozone 3. The ozone dissipates very quickly.

*Branchwater is tested annually for impurities to ensure we bring you the purest mountain spring water!


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